Saturday, March 17, 2007

JL's Story


I've been threatened with being booted from Crosswalk Forums - - for the following (and I quote) "lengthy list of offences"...

1) In a thread started by a practicing LaVeyan Satanist where he was being dumped on and accused of the whole 'goats and orgies' garbage (great way to reach out to someone involved in the occult and show the love of Christ guys - NOT!) I posted saying that I was sorry for the way he was being treated by some of the others at the Forum and that as an ex-practitioner of the Left Hand Path myself (tho' not a Satanist) I had some idea of where he was coming from and invited him to join "'The Son and the Moon Forums' - a Forum set up and maintained BY and FOR exWitches, exPagans and others who have come to Christ from an occult background" ... Something I had done several times in the past when I had encountered similar behaviour at Crosswalk Forums.... My offence... "advertizing another Forum in breach of our Terms of Service"...

2) In a thread where someone was asking whether it was "permissable" for a married couple to enjoy sex or whether it was purely for procreation I said "God made orgasms for a reason" ... the offence? The use of the word "orgasm"...

3) In another thread I mentioned the site "" as an example of what NOT to do... My offence? I said "Fags" not "gays" or "homosexuals"... Sorry guys but "" is NOT the name of the site I was talking about...

Just glad I can say "Puritanical IDIOTS!!!!" at my own Forum - - without setting off the Thought Police...

Yours in Christ

1 comment:

Robbyrob said...

I guess Crossdaily or crosswalk (they're the same site, managed by the same moderator) has definitely had its share of problems. All of these consistently are NOT dealt with.