Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Concerning Christian Tavern

Postmaster's Note: "M" reported a new forum and I originally included a link to it (Christian Tavern) here. This was back when the only stories reported were about Crosswalk Forums, and the Christian Tavern was a venue where people who had met at CW could meet. The dynamics of CW are such that no one ever knew what happened if someone suddenly stopped posting there. I still think Christian Tavern is a good way for that to happen.

However, that's not a "Badge of Honor" story. As this blog has grown, I've decided to hold it to the purpose for which it was formed: a venue for people wronged by online Christian "communities" to tell their stories. If you wish to check out Christian Tavern for yourself, I'll let you do your own hunting for it. Alternatively, you may e-mail me (badgepostmaster@hotmail.com - edited 3/17/07 for change in contact e-mail address) and I'll give you a link.

Christian Tavern was created and is operated totally separately from this blog. The views expressed on the forum are not necessarily similar to my own, and it was not really intended to be a public forum; only CW "refugees" were initially invited. One of them learned about Badge of Honor, and the link was submitted for inclusion to let the other readers know there was a venue designed to welcome them. While I read there occasionally, I am not responsible for its content. I think it's great that they've created a venue in which to let off some steam. How they choose to do it is entirely up to them. Please judge both the "Christian Tavern" and "Badge of Honor" on their own merits as independent venues. The Tavern has also had some changes made and you will not be permitted to read or comment there unless you have joined. I don't know if new uninvited members are being accepted at present.


Just A Berean said...

It would be nice if you could create a forum that WOULD link to this blog, where the people who've been wrongly kicked out and harrassed could meet. There are lots of us who would love to participate.

Badge of Honor Postmaster said...

Good suggestion. However, I know my limitations of time and resources. I'm not willing to create such a forum at this time. If someone does create one that would be compatible with the reason we have this forum, I'd be glad to consider placing a link to it on this site.

Badge of Honor Postmaster said...

Oops, make that "...the reason we have this blog...".